"Rooted" may be a better choice of words. What you see above is the top of an actual fence post that used to sit on my property.
The photograph above represents what I eventually came to see whenever I paid it a visit. So I brought it to life with my camera and some computer software simply as an exercise in creativity.
I can only attest for the 23 years I have lived here but local historians believe it's a good bet this post was probably placed in the ground over a hundred years ago. The general consensus is that it was set where it shouldn't of been; just outside my property line.
So last spring when the city of Alpine was reassessing it's property the location of my errant post was duly noted.
When I took down the fence [by demand] this post was so stubborn I had to pull it out with a tow chain hitched to the chassis of my truck. Apparently it was placed in the ground when it was still alive and as a result of an apparent "last gasp" effort, it sprouted roots. Seriously, a fence post with actual roots.
My wife has labeled me as a know-it-all (and as she is one herself she must certainly be correct). Know it or not it's her rhetoric reference to the the fact that my opinions are rooted in 62 years of experience. The fence post story illustrates the fact that right or wrong, in the end, even the most established and rooted of "whatever" can be dislodged with proper persuasion. So please feel free to attempt to dislodge any of my opinions that follow if deemed necessary.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Ah, yes, good old bureaucracy...
Does anybody out there have any memory of the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, established during the Carter Administration?
We've spent several hundred billions of dollars in support of an agency ...the reason for which few people who read this can remember.
The 'Department of Energy' was instituted on 8-04-1977 TO LESSEN OUR DEPENDENCE ON FOREIGN OIL.
Now 32 years later it has a budget of 26.4 billion dollars a year, 16 thousand federal employees and approximately 100,000 contract employees. And we’re still dependent on foreign oil.
Does anybody else out there see the main reason for this as being powerful lobbyists greasing the palms of career politicians?
We’ve currently turned over our entire banking system and a large segment of our automobile industry to our government and now we’re considering doing the same with health care.
- Larry
Ganster Government, Stupid Americans, USAF Flyover Denied and the Duke...
Use the slider at the bottom of the window to change videos.
- Larry. Thanks to Gus for the flyover video.
George's Bottom Line
- Larry
Thursday, August 27, 2009
JW; An American’s View of Excellence
John is a man who is not afraid to stand up and speak his mind; tell it like it is. When I worked for him, more than once, he gathered up all of us who worked for him and told us (each individual one of us) if we didn’t do a better job he was going to shut the business down.
Against his doctor’s orders he opened up his sandwich and put more salt on it, every time, to his tasting.
I asked him for a raise once and before he granted it to me he went into a rant about how he was thinking about firing me and later actually went through the motion of printing out a Christmas bonus check written out for exactly $0.00 (canceling out a loan I had with him).
JW is an entrepreneur and thrives in our capitalistic society, a man who knows how to make a buck and provided me and 20+ other people with a good paying job.
I sat in on meetings, as a middle manager, making decisions on health care issues as I had done before with other employers. The difference between John and my other experiences was that John wasn’t interested in screwing his employees and making more money for himself. He was seeking the best deal for all; trying to save a buck for all.
I subscribe to John’s view of excellence; his demand for excellence. Excellence costs what excellence delivers. Believe me, it’s well worth the cost.
I choose to live in JW’s America. When it comes to saving my life with quality health care, I’ll turn over my entire pot of gold.
I learned a lot from JW. I haven't spoken to him in years and wish him well.
- Larry
P.S. – Wavell-Huber Wood Products provides you with the highest quality level of wood products available on the planet, from your kitchen table to your entire corporate environment.
A (soon to be) Famous Quote
- My Mother
Exercise your mind, stay informed...
The scientific nature of the ordinary man is to go out on and do the best he can (turn up the volume).
If you are short on time, at least read the last article, 'The Real CIA News' posted by the Wall Street Journal. It sums up the first two articles.
Investigating the CIA Helps Preserve National Security:
Predictably as always, the Republicans in Congress and in the conservative media are berating Attorney General Eric Holder for deciding to investigate the CIA's use of abusive interrogation methods on terror suspects.
The Obama administration's decision to release a previously classified 2004 CIA interrogation report and appoint a special prosecutor to look into possible misdeeds by personnel involved in questioning high-value terrorists is a huge mistake.
Whoever advised people to be skeptical of what they read in the papers must have had in mind this week's coverage of the documents about CIA interrogations. Decide for yourself.
- Larry (music by John Prine, the 'other' Bob Dylan).
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
In Tribute To a Great Man
- Larry
Photo is from public domain.
From “For the Grandchildren.com”
This is a huge mistake, because Americans overwhelmingly support the actions taken to protect us, and because of the damage it does to the CIA and to our military – who have already been instructed to extend Constitutional rights to Al Qaeda soldiers captured on the battlefield. We must wonder, is this administration crazy?
- Russell Wilcox, a college professor with an MBA from Harvard. To read the rest of this excellent post; A Disgraceful Ploy But Bound to Fail, click here.
Hurricane Katrina, New Mexico and the love of my life.
We were both bold explorers; double Leos to boot. The only navigation tool we had was a $1.50 fold up paper map that laid out interstate highways and paved state roads. We didn’t have a credit card between us or a cell phone (they hadn’t been invented yet) and we were traveling in a 10 year old van on questionable tires.
Using only the sun and the stars and our common sense we fearlessly ventured down roads less traveled, many of them unpaved and unmarked. Sometimes we even made our own roads. We were in love, nothing else mattered. There was no targeted destination.
There was a small lake at the end of a dirt road, as high as you can get in the mountains of New Mexico. It was hours off of our map. It was a mirror, reflecting its own frame; shimmering aspens and tall pines bathed in the light of a dramatic and blazing sunset. It was one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen in my life; an engram on my mind.
We couldn’t figure out why there was no one else there. In Utah there would have been so many people wanting to camp there the Forest Service or the National Park System would have long before claimed the property in the interest of the public and be charging a fee just to look at it.
About an hour later our question was answered. Misquotes, the size of Volkswagens descended upon us in unrelenting swarms and began sucking our dreams away. One of them even got away with a lawn chair.
It wasn’t funny. They left swollen, quarter sized lumps on our skin that itched insanely and eventually scabbed over and bled.
We successfully neutralized the calamity in Durango, Colorado with copious amounts of tequila and victoriously made it home.
A few months later we moved to Colorado Springs, got married and gave birth to two beautiful daughters, Amy & Lindsey.
Such memories, so long ago.
Twenty-three years later I was watching reports and conclusive opinions about the devastating effects of hurricane Katrina on a TV in a motel room in Big Spring, Texas and realized that what happened to Cathy and I in New Mexico so long ago was not only the fault of my government but could have been entirely preventable.
For God’s sake, the forest service or the NPS, the state the county or the closest city government should have posted warnings about the dangers of hanging around a lake infested with mutant mosquitoes. Better yet, someone, the mayor, the town crier, the governor or Ronald Reagan should have fumigated the entire area to prevent such an event. And then I had to ask myself, why was the lake there in the first place?
Freakin’ stupid, incompetent Army Corps of Engineers would be my best guess.
And why wasn’t there someone at the bottom of the hill with a suave to sooth our pain? What’s this country coming to?
It gets worse than you can even imagine. Later on I realized the mosquitoes were intentionally planted in the lake by our government to help the world rid itself of ignorant men and women, unnecessarily destroying our environment by driving on dirt roads created by mindless men and women unnecessarily creating their own roads.
I'm guilty as can be.
- Larry
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Even NPR sees through the veil...
- Larry
'Angry White Man'
In the mean time, here's the definition of an 'Angry White Man' through the eyes of an 'Angry Black Man':
"Someone from a demographic that has the majority of Senators, Law Enforcement officials, Congressman, State Governors, Judges, the top richest people in society, the majority of management positions, yet still thinks he's oppressed because you won't let him call you nigger."
"Usually ends up sending letter bombs or killing and eating the women who won't sleep with his bitter, self-righteous ass."
Angry White Man: "How come I have to pay you slave reparations?"
Average black person: "You've never paid slave reparations."
Angry White Man: "How come I have to pay this illegal immigrant?"
Average black person: "Because you hired him."
Monday, August 24, 2009
For You Men Out There
After watching this video I think the Sax may be playing 'second fiddle' behind these ladies. Watch it in full screen mode and crank up the volume. You women out there will love it too. It's just a great stage act.
- Larry
Two of my favorite quotes.
-Woody Allen
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they get up in the morning, that's the best they're going to feel all day."
- Dean Martin
Perhaps Dylan Thomas said it best...
Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
I'll just add one verse here -
- Larry (couldn't help myself).
NEWS FLASH! Death panels already exist...
Death panels? They already exist. They’ve existed ever since people started dying.
I know for certain as I was a member on one of them.
The other members were my sister, a heart surgeon, an attending head physician (specialized in the specific calamities affecting the patient), the head administrator of the ICU, a hospital administrator, a mediator (employed by the hospital) and my father’s brother. NOT present were any government officials or health insurance representatives or any professional patient advocates.
We had about a half dozen meetings. Not everyone was always present and they were always called at the brink of potentially explosive emotional outbursts.
Years prior, my father had been diagnosed as having sarcoidosis of the lungs. He survived a bout with prostate cancer and now at 76 years of age his heart was failing. At this stage in his life his condition was at best, fragile. His doctors were at a loss. Treating one condition aggravated the other. As such my father knew for certain death was just around the corner. So much so, he posted instructions as to what to do if his death should occur suddenly, taped to the wall in his kitchen. As a detailed, oriented taskmaster it was only obvious that he also had a living will. In it he expressed his desire to not be put on life support of any kind should he end up in the hospital.
His living will stated that in the event he could not communicate his daughter and I were to have the legal power to speak for him. I believe that the very day I drove him to the ER he knew it was the beginning of the end of his life and that he was not going to be returning to his earthly home ever again. I could see it in his eyes. It didn’t help that the head doctor on duty practically yelled out across the room after checking him out the equivalent of “dead man dying.” I could hardly believe my ears. I’ll never forget that day.
From my perspective, and I believe from the perspective of both my sister and my father’s brother, all of us who watched him suffer from that day on only wanted to do what was spelled out in his living will, written specifically to avoid the pain and suffering of all involved. Aware of his fate he told me he wanted to go gently into the night and die with dignity.
Yes… at first when he could no longer communicate, and serious life ending considerations were left up to us we sometimes questioned his desires and even our own decisions.
From the perspective of the health care workers, from top to bottom, they wanted to keep him alive as long as possible and their reasoning was at times quite convincing.
But there came a time when the inevitable was obvious and my father’s wishes and ours as his spokesmen were blatantly ignored. He had DNR (do not resuscitate) written in red on the white board next to his name at the nurse’s station. They resuscitated him twice, once after he tore off the life support systems attached to his body throwing the apparatus across his room in frustration and/or anger. When he got to the state when he could barely be understood he would whisper in my ear “tell them to let me go.” When he could no longer speak and hardly control the shaking of his hand he would manage to scratch out the same message on a piece of paper.
After each request, “important” health care workers would be summoned to his room and they would in short order, demand we leave his room. They would emerge reporting at first that he didn’t know what he was talking about because his mind was clouded with the drugs that they were dripping into his veins to suppress his pain. Later they resorted by just explaining that he “changed his mind.” His heart surgeon, at one of our “death panel” meetings actually accused my sister and I of wanting our father dead so we could profit from his estate. A desperate and baseless accusation as the man had nothing left in his financial accounts beyond a few thousand dollars. And no one in our family was interested in such.
It got to the point towards the end where I would go home and shed tears in part thinking about his suffering and in part from the frustration of not being able to figure out what was going on. Why wasn’t he dead? Why was there such a massive effort to keep him alive when it was so obvious his vital organs were no longer working? I was his only son for Christ’s sake. I asked him to be clear, I prayed about my decisions.
This was a real “head crank” for me and I believe also for all who were involved. I could go on for another few pages but I won’t. It was a very complex situation and my father only made it worse at the very end by revealing that he didn’t really want to die because he was afraid to face a harsh judgment in the afterlife that he so fervently believed in for the sins he committed in his past. That’s some pretty heavy stuff. Something I guess we’ll all have to face at our own transition.
In the end, and to this day I do not believe there was any profit motive or any other diabolical plan by either the hospital or insurance companies or even the government to keep my father alive. My father shunned Medicaid and I witnessed the “worker bees” of health care fervently doing what they were trained to do; keeping people alive. My God, the ICU was so full they hardly had the time to meet and formulate a grand plan to “fleece” my father and his family. I saw people who were just trying to make a living, same as you and I, who had chosen their profession because they cared about people. They were special people and we should be grateful for all of them.
My father’s heart surgeon? She was a brilliant, skilled and wonderful woman. No doubt she’s saved the life of many people and was paid a handsome sum for doing such. Kudos for her, she worked long and hard to be able to do what she does and she deserved it. However, I believe in my father’s case, her ego trumped all reason. For some reason she just couldn’t let go.
NOW HERE”S THE POINT OF THIS POST. Sickness and dying is a very personal and complex, dramatic and emotional event; whether it be slow or sudden. The only thing that equates to such in gravity is conception and birth. There is nothing more personal in our lives than these events.
I’ll pay my taxes to help pay for a system that will preserve my freedom by repelling socialism, fascism, communism and anarchy. I’ll even put up with a certain amount of corruption and greed as I understand those traits are inherent to the human condition, as well as even a bit of an abuse of power, also caused by the human condition accurately identified by psychologists as “ego.”
But I’ll be damned if I’ll support or tolerate a government that wants to unnecessarily meddle
in the birth and death of humanity just for the sake of governing. That's what Obamacare feels like to me. He’s got the same ego as my father’s heart surgeon had. It’s pretty obvious to me the number of the uninsured in this country would be dramatically lower if government wasn’t already taking so much of their money to line the pockets of themselves and their cronies and spending it on so much useless, wasteful projects and programs.
As I’ve illustrated above, dying is already complex enough. My decisions concerning such will be dictated by my own conscience and those decisions will be evaluated and judged by the God of my choice. Not some self righteous stuffed suit, wig wearing buffoon sitting in a paid-for-by-tax-payers leather seat, sipping a gin and tonic in a Gulfstream Jet heading for Aruba on a trip to gather facts about global warming.
If Jesus were on that jet, I believe he might, in the interest of saving his children “storm the temple” and open the emergency door at say, 35,000 feet above sea level. Thereby sucking the breath and lives out of the greedy, self centered people who have made themselves the ruling class rather than acting as our humble servants.
Or not. I’ve got a feeling he may just leave it all up to us.
Can you say, “freedom of choice?” God help us all.
- Larry
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Lest we forget what really counts...
- Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Big enough to fail...
...and that's exactly what I mean when I say that anyone who exceeds the maximum body weight mandated by the Fat Panels will be left to die like a beached whale by the Obamacare Health Plan. As opposed to the taxpayer financed bailouts for the banks, a lot of these so-called obese Americans will be deemed big enough to fail.
Now, while we're on the topic of too big to fail; as I am typing the text for this post my second computer monitor is streaming the signal from a local TV broadcast and I am concurrently watching a commercial, so now I'd like to say a few words about ExtenZe, the all natural male enhancement. For months now I've been watching these commercials for ExtenZe, a simple pill that can actually make men larger and increase pleasure and performance regardless of age.
ExtenZe promises to increase the size of what doctors call 'that certain part of the male body'. Please note the use of the word 'male'.
Yes, friends, we're talking about the male ego. At least I think that's what we're talking about, although my wife is standing behind me right now trying to hide what appears to be an enormous guffaw. Perhaps she's laughing because she doesn't believe that a simple pill taken twice a day could increase the size of my already more than adequate ego. This is the same woman who laughed when I said I could put together a blog that someone might actually read. Who's laughing now?
Normally, my blogging performance suffers somewhat when I let someone watch over my shoulder. Of course that's no longer a problem now that I'm taking the revolutionary all natural male enhancer ExtenZe, which guarantees that my performance is going to become even more exciting and satisfying. Although, I suppose that just applies to my perception of it. To understand what I'm feeling and to get the full measure of pleasure from that 'certain part of your own body', you guys are going to want to try ExtenZe for yourself. Sorry ladies, maybe they'll invent something for your pleasure later on.
Listen up guys, I've only been taking ExtenZe for three days, and my ego has already swollen by at least twenty-five percent. Now I really don't care about being larger, that's something I really don't need. But performing better? Now that could really be fun!
Friday, August 21, 2009
The gathering storm...

I'm right-brained. Visuals and music connect with me more so than do words or speech. So when my sister sent me this picture I decided to pass it along and post it here.
Make no mistake, it's not about Democrats. It's about a government out of control, it's about BIG government. The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It's time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves.
The approaching cloud will:
- Steal your money
- Confiscate your guns
- Neutralize your personal choice
Picture credit: Unknown (nice job), post inspired by Laurie.
For all of you Hawks out there...

A USMC FA-18 Hornet; after burners full on taking off from a carrier.
Here's an actual conversation between a Hornet pilot and an Iranian Air Defense System (IADS) radar operator:
IADS:"Unknown aircraft you are in Iranian airspace. Identify yourself."
IADS: "Negative, you are in Iranian airspace. If you do not depart our airspace we will launch interceptor aircraft!"
IADS: (no response ... )
- From my friend Gus. Photo credit: Unknown
An old tool reintroduced to congress...

Honest to God. This strange old tool was used in the late 1700’s to blow tobacco smoke up one’s rectum. It was used primarily on coal miners, tuberculosis patients and even drowning victims. The premise being that the warmth of the smoke would promote increased respiration, thus bringing them around to their proper senses.
Can you feel it's effect yet? Are you coming around?
Photo credit: Unknown. Thanks again to Gus who obviously had some time on his hands today.
- Larry
This is the stranger your Mother warned you about!
This guys offering came to fruition in part through a grant from another unnecessary, useless government agency.

Photo credit: unknown. Thanks to my friend Gus for this post.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Philosophy of Liberty
Ponder what socialism does: In essence, in redistributes wealth, by force. Even if that force has a friendly American face, under the color of law, with a neat and orderly system of taxation, it is nonetheless still force. The bottom line is that under the socialist model, without my consent, some of my earnings are forcibly extracted from me and eventually put into the hands of another citizen that did not earn them. If I refuse to pay my taxes, then I pay huge fines and/or I will be sent to prison. Period.
- Larry
Click RIGHT HERE for a very resourceful blog about survival, and I do mean survival
- Larry
Three Layers of Pure Stupidy
2. The University of Virginia & the University of Maryland
3. CNN, for even posting the story.
I'm not even going to provide a link to the published study because it's premise is so ridiculous. I will however, share with you the first paragraph:
"Ancient man may have started global warming through massive deforestation and burning that could have permanently altered the Earth's climate, according to a new study by researchers at the University of Virginia and the University of Maryland-Baltimore County."
- Larry
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
For all of you know it alls...
I found it quite useful.
- Larry
Gross Negligence at the Fed
The drama unfolds slowly at first, so be patient and please watch it in its entirety. It needs to be watched over and over and passed on to your friends to understand the gravity of the situation. We must educate ourselves.
First-term (anti-bailout candidate) Democrat Alan Grayson questions Elizabeth Coleman, Inspector General of the Federal Reserve. The issue is oversight of the Fed's ever-expanding balance sheet, and the potential multi-trillion dollar loss that will ultimately be borne by you and I our children and theirs.
There are many other videos of interest posted on this site which are also well worth watching.
- Larry
"Teat in a wringer"
Looks like today Obama's got his "teat caught in a wringer." The right doesn't like him, especially right now for his pushing of the public option he wants to include in his health care reform plan. And, if he acquiesces and removes it, or even lessens the importance so many democrats associate with it (as he did this this past week-end) they'll be upset with him.
The man just seems to be at a loss of what to do. I remember very well when I first became a project manager some 20 plus years ago. I sucked at it because I tried to do too much all at once and didn't listen to those around me and even worse, my customers.
But lets think of lesser things right now. We'll get back to the serious stuff later.
Check this guy out. I've never seen this done before.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Getting Your Rocks Off...
If my eyes are burning and I’m choking on smoke maybe it's time to open the vent at the top of my teepee.
The environment is a term that encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally on Earth or some region thereof. If you happen to be a “living thing” in the environment, or some region thereof, the only way to survive is to consume the environment. The environment is one of many of God’s gift to man.
Here’s the way it works. You burn the trees around you to keep from freezing to death or you cut off their branches to build a hut on the beach to prevent yourself from being burnt to death on the sand.
As a “living thing,” to think that you have the power to change the environment is to take on the intelligence of say… a rock; a “non-living thing.”
Humm…? Maybe that’s the way to go. After all, most rocks were on Earth long before “living things” were ever considered and will remain on earth long after they die.
The downside of course is that it’s a scientific fact that no rock has ever experienced an orgasm. Which begs the question; where did the phrase “getting your rocks off” come from?
- Larry
Saturday, August 15, 2009
God help us all...
My initial reaction to this video was at first not to pass it on.
However; the fact that Barack "Mack Daddy" Obama could cause such passion, coupled with the fact that the mainstream media is reporting that the election of Obama is causing a rise in militant, radical, political and racial organizations leads me to believe that this rant may be newsworthy.
You be the judge... keeping in mind of course, that you yourself may also be a nut job.
- Credit to my friend Andy
What a disaster this healthcare debate is...
Which is too bad, because our health-care system actually needs to be made better.
- Credit WSJ
This is disturbing...
The fact that almost everyone in the entire world could give a rat's ass about such a trivial and unimportant event exposes the fact that all these networks must be sharing an automated, common source news feed.
- Larry
Friday, August 14, 2009
Forgotten Memories...
Yes, the video has been edited but not mid-sentence. She gets her point across.
- From Drudge
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Can you say, Ad Hominem?

Make of it what you will but it's quite obvious to me who the "staggering dipshit" is.
- Note: the photo above is NOT the "staggering dipshit." I grabbed it off the web after doing a Google image search for screaming faces.
Science vs. Religion...
When scientists have finally completed their work they will be shocked to discover they dedicated their entire life to the reverse engineering of God.
Here's proof they are on the right track.
- Larry
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Happy Idiot I Was - The Duties of American Citizenship...
What a difference a single generation makes. My father and his friends were pressed into the service of their country and sent off to war upon graduating from high school. Many never returned, some were never found. Countless others were scarred for life. None of them ever forgot.
Somewhere along the way into the autumn of my life (sometime during say, the past 6 years) I started paying attention to such things. I attribute it partially to today's relentless 24 hour news cycle being broadcast in every form of media imaginable but mostly to the fact that I have children and grandchildren and I am genuinely concerned about their future. I think about them more than ever because I guess I've reached that stage in my life where I'm sick and tired of being taxed and I'm fed up with our governments intrusion into so many aspects of my life. I finally stopped to look at the writing on the wall and don't want my children to experience what I see coming.
To be honest I'd rather worry and talk about other things but I can't escape the fact that it now seems, at least to me, like a responsibility of people my age, of our generation, us baby boomers who have enjoyed the great freedoms this country has offered us to take a stand and ensure the same freedoms for future generations. Especially for us who were so lucky to escape the responsibility of war and the extreme sacrifices associated with such. To me, what's happening around me today is no longer just idle bullshit, though I wish it were.
Theodore Roosevelt said, "A man of means who shirks his duty to the State in time of peace is to be regarded as being only one degree worse than the man who thus shirks it in time of war."
I'm taking that statement to heart, will never again take my freedom for granted and thus proudly stand with others who understand how fortunate we are in this country to have a voice.
Exercise your freedom or lose it!
- Larry - This post is dedicated to Frank Kelly, the only living WWII veteran I personally know and my dear departed father, Lew Jordan.
Internet Connection Speed Test
For all of you flag waving patriots...
Both major political parties have become a rats' nest of hypocrisy and incompetence.
Oddly, his blind accusation hurt my feelings. I jump over the fence once in awhile and he knows it. I visit. I've been a good friend. I've listened.
I must admit however that I jump over very seldom anymore. Maybe he feels slighted because he's beginning to feel a tad lonely over on his side?
I tend to gravitate towards artists and people of intellect (Billy Bob included) and since the replacement of the lenses in both my right and left eye (literally, because of cataracts) I've seen very few of them on Billy Bob's side of the fence.
I've searched and searched for someone who can justify the policies and actions of our government officials for years. I'm dying to jump the fence. I'd welcome a new environment, I really would. I'm sick of dodging the same old cow pies on my side and I swear, sometimes Billy Bobs's grass looks greener; cooler and softer.
Problem is... I keep running into barbed wire like Camille Paglia. Here's a woman who is famed for her well thought out and intelligent articulations. She's not only a die hard registered Democrat but a Feminist to boot. You want the skinny on what's going on in Obamaland and 'cloud cuckoo land' in general? Ask Camille.
This is for serious people; a ten minute read at least but mandatory for those who give a rats' ass. Just looking up some of the words she uses is an education in itself.
Treat yourself.
- Larry - Credit: salon.com
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
This is just cool...
- From USA Today
Jimmy Durante Marshmellow Head
Monday, August 10, 2009
Beating a dead horse?
There are two terms or phrases you must know: "public option" (government supplied health care available to the public), which is best debunked here and "single payer" which I will define and also attempt to debunk here.
As defined by proponents, "single-payer" is a term used to describe a type of financing system. It refers to one entity acting as administrator, or “payer.” In the case of health care, a single-payer system would be setup such that one entity—a government run organization—would collect all health care fees, and pay out all health care costs. In the current
Now shift gears here and think about Wal-Mart. They did the same thing by consolidating all of the smaller hardware stores, clothing stores and grocery stores in your town into a single point-of-purchase system. Are you following me here?
The retail purchasing experience in your life was simplified and prices dropped on almost everything you purchase on a weekly basis. But it only works for them and for you because Wal-Mart is driven by profit (it's very important to remember here that governments are not driven by profit).
Now before you misunderstand me, remember, there is a big argument over whether Wal-Mart is a good thing or an evil thing.
Sure, prices came down but a lot of small business owners (actual people) were squashed and lost their economic livelihood in the process and as a result a lot of other people lost their jobs. In addition, I can no longer find that specialized little hardware widget I need to repair my old bathroom faucet and I can't find a good cut of tri-tip steak anymore.
As a result, I now have to replace my faucet with one that was made in China and be satisfied with a cut of sirloin. That is, after I stand in line for 30 minutes. And there have been times when Wal-Mart has been completely out of my particular brand of coffee and there's no other place in town to purchase it anymore.
So... you be the judge. As for me? I'm not sure single anything is good for anyone.
Beyond that, designating an entity such as the US government as being the "single payer" is a ludicrous concept. The US government already has so many heads and arms it is teetering on near chaos (causing a great amount of angst among it's citizens) and is without doubt, very inefficient.
I don't want my health care Wal-Martized. Standing in line for the acquisition of inexpensive daily staples is one thing; standing in line for inferior and rationed medical products and services as defined by a single provider is quite another.
- Larry
Analysis (how much do these idiots get paid?) of a recent USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds views on what priority to emphasize, how fast to act and what's important to protect, vary and sometimes conflict depending on a person's age and region of the country, whether he or she has insurance, and is healthy or ailing. - From USA TODAY, today.
That is precisely the key indicator that Obama's effort to push this bill into legislation NOW is more about his personal power than anything else. I fear the man is not only a dolt but a hard core narcissist.
- Larry
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Two Faces of Obama
- Worth repeating; from hotair.com
Video of the world's worst TV news interviewer...
Lawrence O’Donnell filled in for Ed Schultz on The Ed Show and channeled his inner Wally George. O’Donnell interviewed Peter Schiff, the man who tried to warn everyone that the housing bubble would burst and create a catastrophe, only in the sense that Schiff was allowed to remain on camera during an almost-uninterrupted diatribe by O’Donnell.
Why did O’Donnell act like a middle-school bully instead of a news interviewer? Apart from the fact that O’Donnell is a middle-school bully on air, Schiff wants to run against Chris Dodd for his Senate seat, and Schiff opposes ObamaCare. Instead of allowing Schiff to actually explain why, O’Donnell simply shouts over him and issues ridiculous time demands, and does just about everything short of sticking his fingers in his ears and yelling “NA-NA-NA-I-CAN’T-HEAR-YOU” when Schiff tries to explain his positions.
You know, if MS-NBC was an actual news organization, someone there would be embarrassed.
- Worth repeating; from hotair.com
One Smart Democrat
God was smart enough to suppress erections at a certain age so children wouldn't be born to someone too weak and old to raise them. And as far as young men go... when I was there, there were times when it was inappropriate for me to stand (thank God for heavy weight Levis) because as I remember... I had an erection far too often for no reason at all.
If you are young and genuinely have an ED problem keep it to yourself and go see a doctor. I don't want to know. If you're an old fart and need an erection go buy some KY jelly (and keep it to yourself) or marry someone half your age who is interested in your money and will do anything to get to it.
After we get rid of ED ads on TV we need to start working on getting rid of ads for butt cream and the many calamities that affect the female genitalia. Then I can finally relax when I'm watching TV.
- Larry
Remember Biorhythms?
My general well being is momentarily (notice how they give me hope) mediocre. I am not full of vim and vigor and I am nervous and unsure and feeling an inner emptiness (I've been unemployed for 8 months now). The good news is that I am at the bottom of a low (or close to it) and my intelligence level is, as always, high (more hope). Whew! At least I'm probably going to be able to outwit everyone calling me an old fart at my birthday party. By the way, an old fart is just as good as a new fart.
Check out your own biorhythm by clicking on the title of this post or clicking here.
- Larry
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tiger's Roar
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Another brilliant helping hand from Uncle Sam...

... giving everyone the chance to purchase a new car they can't afford! Why didn't dear old Uncle Sam just offer a $3,500 - $4,500 tax credit to everyone who purchased a qualified vehicle (with a specified minimum mpg rating as per government researchers) from ANYONE? New car, used car, American car, foreign car, truck, SUV, whatever. The buyer would only need show proof they donated or sold it to a salvage yard who would guarantee the destruction of it's engine block and EVERYONE would of benefited, not just automobile dealerships, Japanese car manufactures and the financial institutions that finance the second largest purchase most people make in their lives. You, being a person who can afford a new car could of sold your 5 year old car to someone who was driving a 15 year old car, who normally wouldn't of paid your asking price without the tax incentive. Hell, the government could of offered you a nominal tax credit for your own upgrade.
Maybe I should just look at the positive side. In a few years there will be a rash of 'fire sales' on a boat load of slightly used cars. If I'm lucky maybe my uncle will be offering all of his nephews another great incentive.
- Larry
What's the big deal?
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Pfizer Announcement
- credit to my friend DSG
Playing For Change
Video Test - Indy Car / NASCAR
This was my first attempt at editing video
on my computer. Unfortunately when I
upgraded to a new computer the software was
not compatible with the new OS, Windows XP.
I'm broke. If anyone knows of a decent editor
I can download for free please let me know
via a comment.
- Larry