"Rooted" may be a better choice of words. What you see above is the top of an actual fence post that used to sit on my property.

The photograph above represents what I eventually came to see whenever I paid it a visit. So I brought it to life with my camera and some computer software simply as an exercise in creativity.

I can only attest for the 23 years I have lived here but local historians believe it's a good bet this post was probably placed in the ground over a hundred years ago. The general consensus is that it was set where it shouldn't of been; just outside my property line.

So last spring when the city of Alpine was reassessing it's property the location of my errant post was duly noted.

When I took down the fence [by demand] this post was so stubborn I had to pull it out with a tow chain hitched to the chassis of my truck. Apparently it was placed in the ground when it was still alive and as a result of an apparent "last gasp" effort, it sprouted roots. Seriously, a fence post with actual roots.

My wife has labeled me as a know-it-all (and as she is one herself she must certainly be correct). Know it or not it's her rhetoric reference to the the fact that my opinions are rooted in 62 years of experience. The fence post story illustrates the fact that right or wrong, in the end, even the most established and rooted of "whatever" can be dislodged with proper persuasion. So please feel free to attempt to dislodge any of my opinions that follow if deemed necessary.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

In Tribute To a Great Man

Jeeze... I say something derogatory about the man (scroll down to the NPR thing) in somewhat of a public forum one time and one time only in my life and he up and dies the next day.

Seriously, I didn't agree with his politics most of the time and that Mary Jo thing could of happened to anyone of us, and we'd all like to be born with a silver spoon in our mouths. Regardless, he was a great man. For standing up and speaking out for what he believed in, for trying to make a difference, for serving his country and serving it well.

It sounds like he was prepared to meet his maker; was at peace with himself when passing into his next life and I think that says a lot about a man's character. God bless him and those he left behind.

- Larry

Photo is from public domain.

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