... giving everyone the chance to purchase a new car they can't afford! Why didn't dear old Uncle Sam just offer a $3,500 - $4,500 tax credit to everyone who purchased a qualified vehicle (with a specified minimum mpg rating as per government researchers) from ANYONE? New car, used car, American car, foreign car, truck, SUV, whatever. The buyer would only need show proof they donated or sold it to a salvage yard who would guarantee the destruction of it's engine block and EVERYONE would of benefited, not just automobile dealerships, Japanese car manufactures and the financial institutions that finance the second largest purchase most people make in their lives. You, being a person who can afford a new car could of sold your 5 year old car to someone who was driving a 15 year old car, who normally wouldn't of paid your asking price without the tax incentive. Hell, the government could of offered you a nominal tax credit for your own upgrade.
Maybe I should just look at the positive side. In a few years there will be a rash of 'fire sales' on a boat load of slightly used cars. If I'm lucky maybe my uncle will be offering all of his nephews another great incentive.
- Larry
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