"Rooted" may be a better choice of words. What you see above is the top of an actual fence post that used to sit on my property.

The photograph above represents what I eventually came to see whenever I paid it a visit. So I brought it to life with my camera and some computer software simply as an exercise in creativity.

I can only attest for the 23 years I have lived here but local historians believe it's a good bet this post was probably placed in the ground over a hundred years ago. The general consensus is that it was set where it shouldn't of been; just outside my property line.

So last spring when the city of Alpine was reassessing it's property the location of my errant post was duly noted.

When I took down the fence [by demand] this post was so stubborn I had to pull it out with a tow chain hitched to the chassis of my truck. Apparently it was placed in the ground when it was still alive and as a result of an apparent "last gasp" effort, it sprouted roots. Seriously, a fence post with actual roots.

My wife has labeled me as a know-it-all (and as she is one herself she must certainly be correct). Know it or not it's her rhetoric reference to the the fact that my opinions are rooted in 62 years of experience. The fence post story illustrates the fact that right or wrong, in the end, even the most established and rooted of "whatever" can be dislodged with proper persuasion. So please feel free to attempt to dislodge any of my opinions that follow if deemed necessary.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

'Naked' Salad

Now before anyone gets upset, it’s only carefully placed food and it’s as risque as you’ll ever see on this blog.

Be careful how you word your reply the next time your waitress asks you what dressing you prefer on your salad. Here's what I was given when I replied with the single word, "naked."

No one at the table was upset or embarrassed. Perhaps because there were no women seated.

Anyway, it was delicious and matched the centerpiece, an ice sculpture of the Venus de Milo.

All were amused except Robert. He was more than amused. He carefully put his salad in a Styrofoam container and took it home with him. When I asked him why he replied, “It doesn’t come with any warnings about headaches, high blood pressure, dizziness or four hour erections.” ;-)

- From a small café in the art district of Santa Fe, New Mexico

Idiot Wind...

...blowing across your teeth every time you speak.
                                                                - Bob Dylan

Just after Obama's glorious victory somewhere I read an op-ed that seemed pretty logical. It stated that the best thing about America electing a black president was that race could no longer be used as an issue. America elected a black man and that in itself was a ringing endorsement and a clear sign that America had finally come of age and shed her racism.

Then came comments from more foward thinking people who feared that the race card would be played everytime someone disagreed with Whitehouse policy. If you are critical of Obama and his ideas, policy, leadership or anything else it is only because he is black and nothing else and you are therefore, a racist.

Enter Jimmy Carter, the Sultan of Stupidity trumpeting his latest "Idiot Wind" and Maureen Dowd apparently inspired by voices being channeled through her cat.

I can't link you to Maureen Dowd. You need to Google her yourself and see if you can find a source that doesn't make you register with a left wing newspaper in order to view her words.

- Larry

P.S. - I just discovered a back door link to Maureen's op-ed. It's at the bottom of this article.

U.S. Government-Management Track Record

It seems we are hung up in arguing about the details of government health care which always leads to partisan accusations and fighting. That keeps us citizens divided. Without needing to read a health care bill or arguing about the cost and details, the following are legitimate reasons we shouldn’t want the government involved in managing health care:

  • Social Security - Broke
  • Medicare - Broke
  • Vietnam War - Failed
  • Discover Weapons of Mass Destruction - Failed
  • Postal System - Broke
  • Katrina Relief - Failure
  • Border Security - Failure
  • Energy Independence - Failure
  • Financial oversight - Failed
  • Fannie Mae - Failed
  • Freddie Mac - Failed
  • Congress - Corrupt
  • Judicial Branch - Politicized
  • White House - Corrupt
  • Budget Management - Failure
  • Immigration Policy - Failure
  • Medicare Fraud - Out of Control
  • Modernize Air Traffic Control - Failed
  • Deficit Control - Failed
  • U.S. Dollar - Falling
  • Alternative Energy - Failed
  • Nuclear Containment - Failed
  • Mustang Ranch in Nevada - Failed ...these folks can't even manage a Whorehouse and sell booze and sex and make money!
~ Health Care? ~ Please just give us all a BREAK, Hello!!!?

Credit to my friend DSG

P.J. O’Rourke on the automobile (and other topics)...

A very enlightening video interview from the legend himself (15:37 min.).

- Via Drew Carey and Reason TV

A Haunting in Congress

If you've ever watched the TV series, A Haunting, on the Discovery channel, whether you believe the stories or not they will creep you out; send chills down your spine.

Today, shivers ran down my spine as I believe The United States Congress has been themselves, overcome by evil. And so I find myself creeped out again, big time.

Under the guise of enforcing House Rules, under the guise of reprimanding a man for breaking decorum, they officially condemned a man for speaking his mind.

In reaction, Dennis Miller stated that Congress has been infected with a severe case of "sickophantis assinintis." It's worse than that. I believe the consequences of this action are so far reaching that it may forever change the face of politics and further erode our freedoms in this country.

Congress, a group of men and women who are supposed to represent our population and who each and every one took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of The United States of America formally, officially and publicly rebuked a man for his right to exercise his freedom of speech!

He did not yell "fire!" in a crowded theater. He was not vulgar or vile and caused no harm to anyone. He was not publicly intoxicated. He did not incite a riot. He did not contribute to the delinquency of a minor. What he did may have been rude, he may have broken decorum in the strictest of minds but he broke no law and should not be punished.

In many people's mind he simply blurted out, in loud frustration, a two word truth; "You lie!"

He did not call the other members of Congress liars. He called one man a liar and immediately apologized to that man and that man accepted his apology. The demand that he apologize to all of Congress, and then be punished for his refusal to do so, is not only irrational but smacks on the wretched surface of stagnant and polluted waters.

It's time to drain the swamp.

- Larry

Gasping For Air

It was enthusiastically reported today that the recession is over, based in part because of a 2.7% surge in retail sales in August.

I bought some stuff I didn't need last month. Even I need to come up for air once in awhile.

But I'm going right back into my foxhole until Christmas. And then back in again, I'm guessing, until... next spring?

More Famous Quotes

"You know the one thing that's wrong with this country? Everyone gets a chance to have their fair say."
- Bill Clinton

"We've got to pause and ask ourselves: How much clean air do we need?"
- Lee Iacocca (chairman of the Chrysler corporation)

"Solutions are not the answer."
- Richard Nixon

And two from my top ten list:

"My main hope for myself is to be where I am."
-Woody Harrelson

"They misunderestimated me."
-George W. Bush